#StudentLife: Controlling Time

It's Monday! Start of another week and another essay to tackle. But you know what? I think I've got this. 

My last Student Life Post was just a big mess of stress. But some how I managed to complete two essays with all nighters and several cups of coffee included. I even handed one in 24 hours BEFORE the due date. Yeah, I know! 
Now, they're definitely not my best written pieces of work, but I think I've done enough to pass. Maybe that's not the best way to look at things but the feedback I will get will be so useful. So I'm quite looking forward to that. 

The thing that is stopping me freaking out is remembering that I am at uni to learn. One way to do this is to make mistakes and listen to the lectures. Also, I keep reminding myself that everyone has been in my position. From students to lecturers, they have all managed to get through the "finding-your-feet" first year in University. If they can do it, then so can I! 

So what have I learnt so far? 
The importance of "time management''. 
We were told about it at school, but somehow it just doesn't sink in, does it? 


Well you kind of have to be aware of it when you have 3 essays and course work due for around the same time. So here are my tried and tested tips of juggling all this work that is being thrown about: 

1: Make a list! Make a list of everything you have to do. Set times and targets. Maybe one day focus on part of an essay for one module and then the course work later on in the evening. 

2: Take breaks! I definitely abuse this rule (For instance, I'm meant to be writing an essay right now but here I am) Go for a walk, do your make up, have some lunch. But rest your eyes from the laptop and text books for half an hour. 

3: Tick that list off! It feels soooo good, right? 

4:  Remember why you're doing this! It's easy to look at all your work and think, I don't even need to know this for my carreer! But, you need to so that you can pass your moduels, get your degree and that dream job! 

5: Reward yourself!! This is my favourite part! When you have studied really hard and completed one of your assignments, go and treat your self! Keep the motivation going! 

I am totally feeling more confident now, even with my Media studies essay looming over me but I know I've got this. 
How are you finding uni? Or if you've been there and done that, do you have any more tips? Comment below and let me know! 

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