Welcome to the ArtRave.

It started with Just Dance and she has most recently released Jazz album, Cheek To Cheek and I have been with her all the way. It had been a long 5 months waiting since booking my tickets but on the 19th of October I saw Lady Gaga live. I had been waiting 6 years to see my most treasured singer live. Her ArtRave tour came all the way to Glasgow.She had travelled from Dublin to London and then to Glasgow for us


I have never felt so strongly about a singer before. Her devotion to her career, her shoes and to her fans is outstanding. Her music and fight is unbelievably inspiring to me. She puts her heart and sole into every track and performance which I saw first hand on Sunday. It was not a pop concert. It was a rave. My god, Lady Gaga knows how to put on a show! 

A glittering pink curtain hung as we waited for the star. We stood, unimpressed, through two support acts, only wanting Lady Gaga. We were a tough crowd, until the curtain dropped and revieled the ARTRAVE. Laser lights and electro music created a buzzing atmosphere as we danced in excitement. The dancers came on stage and performed as they welcomed us to the show. The tempo picked up and we all knew what was coming. Lady Gaga, from a trapdoor, rose on stage with angelic feathered wings. We went wild. As she walked around the stage and along the catwalk-so close to me- I cried. A lot. She knows how to work a crowd and she had us in the palm of her claw. When she said jump, we did. As high as we could. Her dancers were so focused even in their tight, brightly coloured leotards and stayed in character through the entire show. The band was fantastic. It was highlighted that her show, her band, her singing was completely live, we screamed with appreciation in unison. 

from NYDailynews.com

There was an atmosphere of togetherness. We were all there for the same reason and we were looking out for each other. I was in standing and even though the venue was packed, it felt intimate. I spoke to everyone around me as we chatted about our love for "Mother Monster". The outburst of "Here we go. Here we go. Here we fucking go!" in true Scots style proved that, as we chanted to Gaga ourselves. 

I was so close to her as she strutted along the catwalk that I swear she looked at me for a split second. There were moments that I felt like I was the only one there but then I'd elbow someone in the ribs as I "raved" and remembered. Throughout the concert, she gave some beautiful speeches. She emphasised the art of being yourself and that nobody should tell you how to be. 
"We are all creative artists." "You don't need a manager, a record label, the publicity. You just need a canvas and a fucking paintbrush!" 
That is what ArtPop is about. Being yourself. Being true to yourself and doing what you love for yourself. 

my favourite photo I took

Lady Gaga managed to run around the stage and still hold a note so beautifully. She has fucking stamina! It would be difficult to choose my favourite part but I absolutely adored that she sung her older tracks. It is always good to remind yourselves where you started and we have all been on this journey with her. The most moving part was when she read a letter thrown on stage and called the boy up. She sung a slowed down, acoustic version on the piano of Born This Way to him. I cried. Again. This time I was sobbing. Born This Way has helped me through my struggles and hearing it sung so angelically moved me so much. 

Gaga is known for her outlandish costumes but the one that was absolutely mesmerising was a white dress that she sung Gypsy in. She was a goddess. 

Everyone had dressed up inspired by Gaga herself, I went for the Judas look with the head band and leather jacket. Some went all out, dressed in, what appeared to be loo roll, to copy the Bad Romance look. Good on them! 

It really was the best night of my life. Seeing an idol like that walk in front of and sing the words that you love so deeply is a feeling I struggle to put into words. She is a true artist and I truly believe that she cares for every singly fan in the world. Her stage presence is out of this world. She can own an entire room and feel it with love and passion. She is a legend and will be in this world forever. 

Paws up. 


  1. Lady Gaga's outfits were awesome :) I love her last one!


  2. Ahhh! I'm so jealous of you. I would love to see her, I bet her shows are amazing.

    I read once that before she was as big as she was, she used to work extra hours after shows to pay for things in the shows that the budgets wouldn't allow herself.

    Corinne x

    1. Oh definitely one to see before you die! Yes, but she still puts a lot of her own money-probably most of it-into her shows. Everything she earns goes into her costumes and staging. She's so in control of it and I love it!
