"Say Cheese!" : An Edinbloggers Photo Shoot

Fara, Laura, Louise, myself and Cynthia

When I was asked to join the Edinbloggers Facebook group by Nicole Findley from Cocomadeherdoit , I had no idea what I was accepting. This community has been well organised by founders, Farah from Faz Fashion Diary, Emily from Frankly-Ms-Shankly and Sultana Malik. Events and meet up were set up by them for us little bloggers and one of them which I was able to attend was a photo shoot. 

Through reading other blog posts I have learnt that a tri-pod is vey useful and my selfies in the mirror aren't great. When Farah announced that she had arranged a photoshoot for us, I jumped at the chance. Finally I could get an outfit post away from my mirror! 

The locations were set, the Curious Tea Rooms on Fredrick Street and Enzo Bar. 

The Curious Tea Rooms was inspired by Alice in Wonderland. It's lovely, pretty and quaint with their delicous cakes and beautifully hand crafted sandwiches. They had cute little tea cups and roses on the wall as well as characters from the Tim Burton film all over the walls. 

I confess that I found getting my photo taken here very awkward, I didn't know what to do with myself at all. It was so clear from the photos. I had props in front of me staring back at me.  They looked as awkward as I did. I tried to find photos where I wasn't pulling a funny face or looking as awkward as an apple in a bunch of Pineapples. 

Oh! A camera's looking at me!

With 2 photographers and other bloggers around me, I felt at ease. Everyone was so friendly and by the end of the day it had felt like I had known them for ages. It was inspiring hearing the girls' stories of how they fit blogging into their lives and what they want to do with it. 

I saw that everyone else was nailing the modelling thing. We had to go to the Enzo bar next and I wanted to kill it. I wanted to be fierce as Kate Moss. I had no props apart from my hat. No awkward teapots. Just me in my dress, boots and hat. Most of all, I wanted to have fun and enjoy myself. 

So maybe I'm not going to be the next Niamoi Campbell but this was such a great experience and I walked away feeling on top of the world. My self esteem hasn't been so high and I felt faaabulous! I encourage everyone to do a photoshoot. It was so much fun, I met fantastic people and such an confidence booster, which in my books-is always a winner. 

Dress: Boohoo.com
Boots: H&M 

Thanks to Farah "Faz" for organising such a great day. 
Thanks to photographers Rab Stout and Studio Masina

Little Katie
x x


  1. lovely photos! sounds like an amazing day :) x


  2. Awww such a lovely photoshoot! And I love Alice in Wonderland!! What a great place!


  3. I've always wanted to do a photoshoot! Did you enjoy doing it?

    - Taisie ♥ | Life by Taisie

  4. You look lovely in the photos :) This seems like so much fun!


  5. Looks like you had such a blast!
    I'm now following you with GFC and G+, hopefully you will follow me back!
    I am also hosting a give-away at the moment so please check it out :)

    Maya x | Vogue By Maya

  6. This photo's are so stunning! Don't sell yourself short - or compare :) You're not the next Naomi Cambell, you're Katie! A stunning model!! <3

    New follow on GFC and Bloglovin xxxx


  7. Fab pictures, sounds like such an amazing day! I still haven't got around to posting outfit photos yet, something like this would totally get me motivated! x

    The Belle Narrative
