New Look Wish List

New Look Wish List

Wrap top
$41 -

Cowl neck sweater
$38 -

Blue wrap skirt
$30 -

New Look black cap toe boots
$56 -

Shopping bag
$38 -

Boho necklace
$16 -

On my way home from working at the pub, I have recently found myself gazing into New Look's window on Princes Street. They have done well for themselves this season. I really like what they have going on. The tartan, the capes and the jumpers. It's like they are tailoring to different styles this time. They have the boho\hipster, the trend setters and the grunge girls. With the knits and shades, I think this is a perfect outfit for autumn. I really like burgundy and blue together. The blue in the skirt just lifts it a bit. I would wear the skirt with my go-to cosy tights from Primark. If you haven't yet tried them, I urge you to get a couple of pairs. They are a life saver! Skirts are still acceptable in the colder months and the 60's mini skirt is making a statement.  I love the 70s/60s look and have made a little New Look wish list since it is my BIRTHDAY AND PAY DAY THIS FRIDAY! Shopping will be done whether I am hungover or not. It's looking more likely to be honest. 

I have already bought a new dress for graduation which is also on Friday so I will be posting photos of that on my instagram. If you're not following me then please do. I'm struggling to sit down and write blog posts at the moment so you can keep an eye on me over at @littlekaatie101 or on twitter @this_katie . I'm a hoot and I follow back. :) A win, win, right?

Stay Fabulous! 

Little Katie


1 comment

  1. Oh that Aztec top from New Look is very cute! And really affordable too.

    And an early congrats on your birthday and graduation!

