Spring Time Pastels

As years pass do you find fashion to be repetitive? It's not a bad thing, means now nothing goes out of fashion. But that means those pastels are back. You either love them or hate them. Those candy colours, minty greens, baby pinks, sorbet yellow. It just screams spring. Or in my mind, sickening.

I don't understand how in any way they can by flattering when you're as pale as me. I'm from Scotland for goodness sake! Sun? What is this thing I keep hearing? Sounds like a scam. 
These pastels wash me out and as if I didn't look young enough, throw on a baby blue dress and I suddenly become a 10 year old. Is it a myth that you have to be skinny to pull it off? Because I am not, I've got thighs, bum and a bit of a tum. 

Don't get me wrong, they can look nice and after hours of looking at home designs on pintrest, I would like a pastel themed room.

How do you make your pastels come together and still look as if you just walked out of a lookbook account? I look like I've just walked out of Toys R Us. Delightful. So how do you make it work?


  1. Yeha, trends just keep churning and repeating itself (like sometimes i feel absolutely stupid when i describe "monochrome" as a trend. it is never going to go out of fashion, like you say!) I personally LOVE pastels and I'm glad to be seeing a bit more colour this S/S. So fed up of wintery and dull colours now! xxx

  2. I definitely agree, it's always pastel colours for spring/summer even more so this year! I do love pastels but it's a given they'll always be fashionable in summer rather than winter



  3. I've mainly been wearing pastels in the form of nailpolish, although i did give in a purchase some light jeans and a pink quilted top the other day!
